Out of Control or In Control?


When life feels out of control, unpredictable, and scary, remember that you have a movement method originally called Contrology.  The science of control. 

You may not be able to control what's going on around you, but you have control over some things. 

You have the chance to spend part of every day moving mindfully, thoughtfully, with intention.  You have the chance to breathe deeply, put all your joints through their full range of motion, coordinate your movements, forget about your troubles, and focus on yourself. 

Life may be uncertain, but you can have moments of certainty, calm, clarity.  You can choose to take control of the things you can control and by doing so, feel empowered.

We're here to help.  Our studio has gone virtual and we have multiple options to keep you practicing the coordination of mind, body, and spirit at home. If none of our options meet your needs, just reach out and we're happy to help craft a solution that does.